What do the map control buttons do?

The map control buttons allow you to toggle the various data layers within the map.

The table below identifies what functions each of the map control buttons perform.

Button Function

GET Results: GET the map results for the current device and display criteria selections.  This button performs the same "GET" function as the GET button in the Device List panel. 

Refresh Map: Refreshes the map and zooms the map to show all devices in the map results.
Zoom Map: Zoom the map to fit all devices in the map results as well as the geofences those devices are associated with.
Map Legend: Open a pop-up map legend.
ON OFF Company Locations: Toggle the display of the company locations.
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Geofences: Toggle the display of geofences.

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ON OFF Custom Map Layers (KML/KMZ): Toggle the display of custom map layers.
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ON OFF Icon Clustering: Toggle the display of icon clusters.  Only applicable to Last Known Location searches.
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ON OFF Device Paths: Toggle the display of device paths.
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ON OFF Routes: Toggle the display of routes.
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Print: Open a print-friendly version of the map.