Follow these instructions to uninstall XGate. We recommend uninstalling XGate before reinstalling the latest version to address issues or to upgrade to the latest version.
If you are experiencing any new or persistent issues when using your XGate software, one of the first troubleshooting solutions we recommend is performing a full uninstall and reinstall of the program. This will ensure you have the most recent version of the software and eliminate any errors that could have occurred during your original installation. This is especially helpful for users that may have not used their XGate software or account in some time.
This article will outline the following procedures:
Uninstalling XGate on Mac
Uninstalling XGate on Windows
Warning: The following procedures will completely remove XGate from your computing, including all XGate emails and contacts. Please be sure to save any important information in a separate location before proceeding.
Uninstalling XGate on Mac:
Move XGate app folder to the Trash.
In Finder, go to Macintosh HD > Users > Your User Name > Library > Preferences > GMN XGate Preferences.
Move 'GMN XGate Preferences' to the Trash.
In Finder, go to Macintosh HD > Users > Your User Name > Library > Application Support > GMN XGate.d.
Move 'GMN XGate.d' to the Trash.
Restart your Mac.
You now have a computer VOID of XGate.
Uninstalling XGate on Windows:
Uninstall XGate using Add/Remove programs, etc. saying YES to all the defaults.
If XGate does not show up in Add/Remove programs, go to This PC and click on your C: drive.
Click Program Files
Right Click Globalstar and click delete.
Continue with step 2.
Go to MyDocs and find the XGate folder and DELETE it.
To remove from the registry, go to the Windows Green Start button.
Do a Search for 'regedit.exe' and double-click on it to bring up a browser-like window.
Double-click on HKEY_CURRENT_USER.
Double-click on Software.
Double-click on Global Marine Networks, LLC.
Single-click on GMN right-click on it and select DELETE.
Reboot the computer.
You now have a computer VOID of XGate.
Please Note: To learn more about setting-up XGate please see our other Knowledge Base topics: Windows and Mac Set-Up, Android Set-Up