Use the quick link on the Configure > Devices page or allocate it in the Edit Device page
Profile Allocation Overview
Allocating a profile to a device associates the check-in schedule and alarm notifications of that profile to the actions of the device, including the tracking events, Check-in events, Help requests and most importantly SOS requests. Ensuring that the events from a device are correctly responded to by Tracertrak depends on an appropriate profile being allocated to the device.
The profile sets the expectations around when check-ins are expected, when alarms will be raised and to whom alarm notifications will be raised with. In the absence of a profile being selected for a device, the device will inherit a default profile which ensures any SOS events from the device are sent to the account Administrator.
Updating the configuration of a profile automatically updates the configuration of all devices allocated to that profile. This is an effective way of managing the alarm notifications and check-in schedule configurations for many devices at once.
Some devices do not support profile allocation. For these devices, the alarm triggers and notifications are configured in the edit device page.
Allocating from the Configure > Devices page (recommended)
The Configure > Device page provides a quick allocate links for People and Profiles, making it easy and intuitive to set, change or clear these allocations. Clicking on the icon in the Profile column and the desired device row opens the allocation page that allows you to set, change or clear the Profile allocated to the device.
Allocating from the Edit Device page
The allocation of a profile to a device can be changed in the edit device page. From this page, click on the button to the right of the profile setting to open the Profile Allocation page from which you can set, change or clear the Profile allocated to the device.
No access?
If you lack permission to allocate a profile to a device, request access from your account Administrator.